Aggression Training That Works.

Trail & Bone provides committed dog owners with the education and information they need to fix their dog’s aggression or reactivity for good.

“Thank you so much. My Xoe is progressing so well every day. My kids are so excited to jump in and help with learning games. I have a totally new dog in 3 weeks already. It is like we flicked that switch of teamwork and are unstoppable. Your program is amazing. And I am glad (and irritated I can’t be impulsive, LOL) the course is time released, you are a genius. Thank you again”

Leslie. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Problems We Teach You How To Fix:

Human Aggression or Reactivity

What is it? A dog is human aggressive or reactive if they display signs of aggression (biting, growling, snarling, lunging) towards people, in or out of the home.

Dog Aggression or Reactivity

What is it? A dog is dog aggressive or reactive if they display signs of aggression (biting, growling, snarling, lunging) towards strange dogs in or out of your home. This is not to be confused with dog-on-dog aggression in the same home.

Leash Aggression or Reactivity

What is it? A dog is leash aggressive or reactive if they display signs of aggression (biting, growling, snarling, lunging) towards either people or dogs when on a leash.

For Long-Lasting Results, the most essential part is the Education of You, the Owner

With Aggression and Reactivity, you can’t just drop off your dog at a trainer and then pick them up 2 weeks later and expect a permanently changed dog. If the training never comes from you, if you don’t know how to live with them day after day, the aggression will continue.

How are our programs able to effectively educate and inform?

By utilizing online courses, we’re able to offer the everyday dog owner struggling with aggression an easy and simple way to thoroughly learn everything they need to know.

Go at Your Own Pace
With digital programs, you’re able to consume the information and learn at your own pace, in the most comfortable setting for you.

Always Available, 24/7, 365.
Since you can access your program from anywhere at any time, you have the flexibility to go over the information multiple times and always come back to refresh your knowledge. You don’t need to rely on a one-time lecture from a trainer anymore.

Everything Explained
When working with a trainer in-person, it is near impossible to be able to learn and digest all of the information relevant to you. With our online programs, every little detail is expanded on, allowing for you to have a full understanding of what to do and why.

Our Training Method

One of the biggest reasons why our programs allow everyday dog owners to have such amazing success with fixing aggression is because we do not rely on 1 method. Every dog, every person, every situation is unique.

That’s why we utilize several different methods in a sequential order that not only fixes aggression, but also builds up your dog into the well-behaved, stable, and confident dog that they can be.

While we employ several different methods, when following our training programs you will never:

Spend hours a day, for weeks on end, actively training

Use Harsh Punishment

Need expensive or special tools

All you need is a leash, a crate or pen, 10 minutes a day, and commitment.

If you have those things (and every single dog owner should!) then you can see amazing results in a matter of weeks.

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